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1blankspace Microsoft Excel Example

Attached is a basic example of how you can integrate/mash onDemand into Microsoft Excel using Visual Basic for Applications VBA.  Allowing you to access the rich functionality of Excel or integrate in an existing Excel based system.

The example logs you on, displays your firstname and allows you to send a basis message (email).

Some use cases:
# Getting xml stream and creating data for range for use in reporting graphing
# Getting user data and sending back to mydigitalspace eg sales order.
# Sending a message based on user input or calculations of user input

There are notes inside the attached xlsm (Excel with Macros format)

Again this is just example code and would need work to be used in a production environment.

Attachment added: 1blankspace_office_excel_1.0.xlsm
1blankspace Console / DOS Command Line Program Example

Hi, we hope you had a great christmas.

Attached is a very simple C# project to demonstrate how you can access mydigitalspace onDemand using a simple text console application.   It just logs you on and gets your first name and also shows how you can get the command line parameters - in this case, you can set the first one as the logon name. 

You would need to enhance to it to make it robust enough for production, but as an education project it gives you an idea of how it can work.

You can either run the setup.exe or open it in the free Microsoft Visual C# Studio Express.

Text/Console/DOS based programs are still used heavily in running automation processes - eg reading a file and then uploading it into a different system (eg in or out of mydigitalspace).  A real example may be reading a list of new customers from one system and uploading them as prospects into mydigitalspace.

You could then use the Windows Task Scheduler to automatically run the program you have written when required.

This example is written C# [c sharp], Microsoft's prime language, it has similar constructs as JavaScript.

Attachment added:
ibCom onDemand Application Assembly Options

Attached is a diagram that will become key in the ibCom communication of how our partners can work with the mydigitalspace system via the onDemand webservice.

It can be used as an aid in the design process to work out, what is the best environment for the best user experience, based on their use case.


# if sales person on the road may be Apple iPhone environment

# if they already have an excellent xls spreadsheet for collecting orders - may integrate directly into it using MS office tools.

# if it is a corporate user with an existing enterprise system - then it can be integrated (mashed) into their existing application.

# if need to deal with individuals (eg financial adviser) may be a Facebook app that allows them to access information you hold on them from within their Facebook space.

etc, etc

The key thing is that with an open interface layer, you are not restricted to a web browser experience - in a similar way that email is no longer the only way we communicate electronically in 2010.

It's about unleashing the power of the internet - mostly through the webbrowser.. but now always.

This diagram is just a typical set of environments for 2010 - it is not exhaustive list... but covers the fundamental types of environments for the mass of the marketplace and reinforces the concept of openness… we don’t know what the interfaces of tomorrow will be, but we do know your ability to be flexible and integrate (mash) with them is always going to be a constant.

At a business level this layer of openness allows you to work with other resources; available through sites like and if dealing with corporates, capacity already existing with in their I.T. groups – giving them the control they need within in their corporate environments.

ibCom has already released some sample application source code for Windows, Apple iPhone and Webbrowser/jQuery that work on onDemand 1.8.  We are currently focused on finishing up onDemand 2.0 and the jQuery/webbrowser based, which can be used by you as is or as a basis to building user interfaces (applications).

The March 3/4 2011 conference will be a great time to catch up on this and see working examples being built now by our partners/ibCom and catch up with other partners!

From ibCom; have a great Christmas and speak in the New Year.

Attachment added: ibCom_mydigitalspace_onDemand_Assembly_Options_1.0.jpg
jQuery Cheat Sheet

File Attachment Loader (Working Example of HEF/onDemand on Windows) #3

With some updates:

1. Ability to select files (with Select All)
2. Refresh button - so can leave open abd refresh for updated files
3. Show most recent updated files first
4. Confirmation message before uploading

Attachment added:

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