  This method allows you to import a text file, and get the data returned in a format like an Advanced Search.
  If you just want the contents of an attachment try CORE_FILE_READ
  PARAMETERS - via Query String TYPE  
  AllColumnsText Text (1) Y / N [default]. If you don't want to specify the columns through JSON (below), and want all data returned 'as is' from within the file, set this to Y
  Id Numeric Mandatory.
	"columns" :
			"title" : "Surname",
			"dataType" : "1"
			"title" : "NumberOfChildren",
			"dataType" : "2"
			"title" : "BirthDate",
			"dataType" : "3"
	"id" : "13456",
	"delimeter" : ",",
	"skipRows" : "0",
	"processRows" : "5000",
	"firstLineIsCaptions" : "Y"
  PARAMETERS - via XML Post  
  Same fields are available as per JSON
  Column Title Optional.
  • If you do not specify the Column Title, and firstLineIsCaptions = Y, then it will use the first row as captions
  • If you do not specify the Column Title, and firstLineIsCaptions = N, then the columns will be called Column0, Column1 etc
  Datatype Optional
  • Valid datatypes are: 1 = Text, 2 = Numeric, 3 = Date
  • If you specify a datatype, and there is an invalid value, it will be reported back as blank, plus there will be an error returned on that line
  • If you don't specify a datatype, the system will work out the most appropriate. However, if the column contains mostly dates (for eg), and there is one invalid value, it will assume the whole column is text
  • For dates, the preferred format is DD MMM YYYY, eg 17 Feb 2008
  Id Mandatory. Id of the attachment. This is the minimum that needs to be passed. If this is all that you do pass, then the import will work out the column titles and datatypes for you. It will assumes that the first line in the file are the column headings
  Delimeter Optional. Defaults to a comma.
  FirstLineIsCaptions Optional. Defaults to a Y
  ProcessRows Optional. Defaults to 5000. Number of records in the file to process
  SkipRows Optional. Defaults to 0. Number of records in the file to skip.  If the first line are captions, it does not count as a row
  RowLimit Text (1) Y / N. Y means that it stopped after reaching the ProcessRows. N means it stopped after reaching the end of the file
 1. Using a QueryString, import a file that contains Surname,NumberOfChildren,BirthDate. Let the system do all the work. The attachment is 1234
 2. Using JSON, as per above, but force validation on the columns
	"columns" :
			"title" : "Surname",
			"dataType" : "1"
			"title" : "NumberOfChildren",
			"dataType" : "2"
			"title" : "BirthDate",
			"dataType" : "3"
	"id" : "1234"
 3. As per above, but the delimeter is |, plus the data starts on the first row
	"columns" :
			"title" : "Surname",
			"dataType" : "1"
			"title" : "NumberOfChildren",
			"dataType" : "2"
			"title" : "BirthDate",
			"dataType" : "3"
	"id" : "1234",
	"delimeter" : "|",
	"firstLineIsCaptions" : "N"