  Object: 32. Click here for more information.  
  1. When removing, you can pass 'removeActions=1' if you also want all associated actions removed and removeAttachments=1.  
  DataReturn Text A comma delimited list of advanced search fields to be returned after a successful save
  Id Numeric  
  PrimaryContact Numeric Pass '1' to make this contact the primary contact for the business;
  Remove Pass '1' to remove the item
  BankAccountName Text (50)  
  BankAccountNumber Text (20)  
  BillingFrequency Numeric As configured via SETUP_CONTACT_BILLING_FREQUENCY_MANAGE
  BSB Text (50)  
  CentreOfInfluence Text (1) Y/N;
  ContactBusiness Numeric  
  ContactSince Date  
  CustomerStatus Numeric Alias for Status
  DateOfBirth Date  
  DisplayMobile Text (1) Y/N
  DisplayPhone Text (1) Y/N
  Email Text (200) In order to be able to send News to a contact, their email address must have been Verified. To override the standard system email validation pass "override_email=Y"
  Fax Text (30)  
  FinancialInstitution Text (50)  
  FirstName Text (50)  
  FundingMethod Numeric As configured via SETUP_CONTACT_FUNDING_METHOD_MANAGE
  Gender Numeric 1=Not set, 2=Male, 3=Female
  HomePhone Text (50) Alias of Phone
  ImageAttachment Numeric As returned from CORE_ATTACHMENT_SEARCH
  MailingAddress1 Text (100)  
  MailingAddress2 Text (100)  
  MailingCountry Text (50)  
  MailingGPSLatitude Numeric As per StreetGPSLatitude
  MailingGPSLongitude Numeric As per StreetGPSLongitude
  MailingPostCode Text (10)  
  MailingState Text (30)  
  MailingSuburb Text (50)  
  MailingTitle Text (110) If left blank, will default based on their Title, FirstName, and SurName
  Mobile Text (50)  
  Notes Text (1000)  
  NumberOfChildren Numeric  
  OtherFamilyDetails Text (2000)  
  PartnerName Text (100)  
  PaymentMethod Numeric There are some standard values, plus you can define your own via SETUP_CONTACT_BUSINESS_PAYMENT_METHOD
  Phone Text (50)  
  Position Text (50)  
  PreferredCommunication Numeric 1=eMail,2=Fax,3=Phone - Home,4=Phone - Work,5=Phone - Mobile,6=Mail
  PreferredName Text (50)  
  PriceGroup Numeric As created via SETUP_CONTACT_PRICE_GROUP_MANAGE
  PrimaryGroup Numeric As configured via SETUP_CONTACT_PERSON_GROUP_MANAGE. If you are wanting to store multiple groups per contact use CONTACT_PERSON_GROUP_MANAGE
  Private Text (1) Y/N. Contacts marked as Private will only show up in CONTACT_PERSON_SEARCH for the person who created the contact
  Pronoun Text (50)  
  Rating Numeric As created via SETUP_CONTACT_RATING_MANAGE
  Reference Text (50) Uses Profile Setting 259 to determine the default
  ReferenceMask Text (50) Alternatively, you can pass a mask to generate the Reference. It should have question mark(s) where the number is meant to go. For example with the next number of 123, "REF_??????" would generate "REF_000123". "REF?" would generate "REF123", "REF??????abc" would generate "REF000123abc". Note: The reference has to be blank for this to take effect
  RelationshipManager Numeric Contact Person who manages the relationship with this contact.  This can be someone in your space, or someone who access to you space.
  SendNews Text (1) Y/N. Uses Profile Setting 412 to determine the default. If not set, defaults to Y
  SendOverDue Text (1) Y/N;
  ServiceType Numeric As configured via SETUP_CONTACT_SERVICE_TYPE_MANAGE
  ShowOnline Text (1) Y/N [default].  Indicates whether the contact can be seen from SITE methods, eg SITE_OPPORTUNITY_MANAGE
  Signature Text (2000) Generally used for internal contacts to store their email signature
  SkypeName Text (75)  
  Smoker Text (1) Y/N;
  SocialStyle Numeric  
  SourceOfContact Numeric There are some standard values, plus you can define extras via SETUP_CONTACT_SOURCE_OF_CONTACT_MANAGE
  SourceOfContactInfo Text (100)  
  Status Numeric 1=Active,2=Prospect,3=Non-Active,4=Soon to be Non-Active,5=Internal,6=Alternate Supplier,7=Reference Only,8=Pending Approval
  StreetAddress1 Text (100)  
  StreetAddress2 Text (100)  
  StreetCountry Text (50)  
  StreetGPSLatitude Numeric Should be in decimal format, eg. -33.7166. Can use CORE_LOCATION_ADDRESS_DERIVE to set based on the address
  StreetGPSLongitude Numeric  eg 151.2709
  StreetPostCode Text (10)  
  StreetState Text (30)  
  StreetSuburb Text (50)  
  SupplierStatus Numeric 1=Active,2=Prospect,3=Non-Active,4=Soon to be Non-Active,5=Internal,6=Alternate Supplier,7=Reference Only,8=Pending Approval
  Surname Text (50)  
  Title Numeric 1=Mr,2=Mrs,3=Ms,4=Dr,5=Prof.,6=[NA],7=Rev.,8=Miss
  WorkPhone Text (50)  
  Structure Fields Click here for more information