A key part of any information framework is to be able report on the activity with in it.  The report framework is a simple js file that allows you to extend the powerful Advanced Search functionality, supporting:

  • Fixed reports with some parameters eg start and end dates

  • Open reports, allowing users to pick and filter on any parameter associated with the object

With some configuration of the js file you can create a reporting system.

This report framework relies on the Advanced Search return parameters functionality - where rather than returning data rows, the advanced search returns the structure of the object, which can then be used to build the report interface and user experience.





An object array containing reporting information.

  # name

 # summary

 # showFixedParameters - true/false

  # method

  # scriptOpen - script for the Open button on each row

  # fixedParameters - object array:
    fields: name
    filters: name, comparison, value1, value2
    sort: name, direction

selectableParameters - object array:
    fields: name, caption, xhtmlBefore, xhtmlAfter

 # showSelect - true/false

gaReportDictionary[] An object array containing column information, which maps the onDemand returned name to the name in this object and associated caption.

  # name

  # caption

interfaceReportMasterViewport() Entry point function.  Set your control.js click to call this function for reporting functionality.  It builds the elements required for the user to setup a search and also see the results.




interfaceReportDictionaryGet() Based on a name returns the caption from the dictionary.

  # name

  # defaultReturn - if no match found.

  # onlyIfExists - boolean [true]
interfaceReportComparisonShow() Show list of comparison types based on a datatype eg text, numeric, date
interfaceReportSetInput() Set the input fields based on the comparison - eg 0,1 or 2
interfaceReportSearch() Run the search

